Saturday, June 9, 2012

Color Me, Pureology!

When you invest in your looks, it makes you kind of greedy. Probably the best example of this is your hair. You get your hair colored or otherwise chemically treated at a salon,  along with your usual cut, and suddenly you’ll do – or buy – just about anything to preserve the fabulous way it looks.

Enter Pureology, the industry standardbearer for color conservation. I’ve been coloring my hair for many years – long before I even needed to, just because I wanted to look goth – and my stylist recommended Pureology to me from the first time I ventured into even semi-permanent color. All of their products are sulfate-free and their finishing products contain an “Anti-Fade Complex,” which basically means they have a UVA/UVB sunscreen built right in to help protect from the evil, color-fading sun (a hat in the summer doesn’t hurt, either).

Pureology’s latest awesomeness is Healthy Hair Kits, three weekly purifying shampoo and conditioning treatments designed to rejuvenate and revitalize hair. I was given the “Purify + Essential Repair” for distressed hair (which mine definitely is) to try. The Purify Shampoo is a refreshing and tingly experience that really feels like it’s getting all the buildup out of your hair.  It smells amazing. The Restorative Hair Masque stays on for 2-5 minutes (I left it on a little longer because I get my hair chemically straightened so I figured I could use the extra conditioning). My only complaint about either product comes from the conditioner, which smells overly sweet, and the fragrance stays on the hair long after it’s dried.

But this was a small price to pay for the results, which were nothing short of extraordinary.  I got my hair colored about three weeks ago, but these products brought amazing depth to my brown color and a glossiness I didn’t have even when I left the salon. My hair was soft, silky and, in short, transformed. I will buy this again even when my sample runs out and use it religiously every week.

The other kits are Purify + HydraWhip for fine hair and Purify + SuperSmooth for frizzy and dry, unruly hair. The kits, like all Pureology products, are available only in salons and are $50 each. They’re also vegan!

1 comment:

  1. Oh thank you here for a very informative post. This end of the year, I have planned to hair color my hair and looking for the best products that will not harm my hair. Really this is helpful. For more hair care treatment, shop only at
